Episode 61 Show Notes
Episode 61. This week John and Timothy go on location again. As more and more businesses are reopening and expanding their hours, we wanted to get out there again and encourage anyone, who can safely, to support their local sake shops and restaurants. For our part, we’ve gone back underground by returning to the famous NYC Sake Bar Decibel, a dark and funky basement sake bar that can’t be missed. We are tasting two fantastic sakes from their menu: Shichiken Junmai Ginjo – a dream of a balanced and fruity premium sake and Kimonoi Junmai Yamahai – an umami and rice-y treat recommendation from Decibel’s Manager Cho-san. In addition to our sake chit chat, we are announcing this week the launch of our Patreon. If you’d like to support what we do at the Sake Revolution podcast, please consider joining us on Patreon.com/SakeRevolution for some fun perks and extras. We invite all our listeners to grab a sake, sit back and listen in as we head back down the stairs to Decibel!
Skip to: 00:19 Hosts Welcome and Introduction
Welcome to the show from John and Timothy
Skip to: 03:03 Announcing Patreon
Now there is a new way to support Sake Revolution. Join us on Patreon! Patreon is an online platform that allows you to support your favorite creators by subscribing to a monthly membership. At Sake Revolution, we’re offering two tiers, each with its own perk. If you enjoy our sake podcast, if you are able, please consider supporting this labor of sake love! See below to learn about our Patreon support levels.
Sake Enthusiast
Have you ever wanted to sip along with us as we taste our sakes on the podcast? Now you can! As a Sake Enthusiast patron, you’ll get the inside track and know in advance which sakes we’ll be featuring on the show. This allows you to get them on hand and sip along with us while you listen.
Sake Otaku
As a Sake Otaku supporter of the pod, you’ll get access to all the Sake Enthusiast intel along with access to a monthly live zoom Sake Happy Hour taking place the first Weds of every month at 9pm ET (6pm PT). Visit with us live on zoom! Come with all your questions and suggestions and enjoy a relaxed and fun Happy Hour with with us as we all sip sake together!
Skip to: 06:26 Back to Sake Bar Decibel
Sake Bar Decibel
240 E. 9th St. New York, NY 10003
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sakebar.decibel/

Skip to: 14:28 Sake Tasting and Introduction: Shichiken Junmai Ginjo
Shichiken Junmai Ginjo
Brewery: Yamanashi Meijo
Alcohol: 15.0%
Classification: Junmai Ginjo
Prefecture: Yamanashi
SMV: +1.0
Brand: Shichiken (七賢)
Seimaibuai: 57%
Rice Type: Yumesansui
Acidity: 1.7
Importer: Wismettac (USA)
Skip to: 21:11 Sake Tasting and Introduction: Kiminoi Yamahai Junmai
Kiminoi Yamahai Junmai
Brewery: Kiminoi Shuzo
Classification: Junmai, Yamahai
Acidity: 1.6
Alcohol: 15.5%
Prefecture: Niigata
Seimaibuai: 65%
SMV: ±0
Rice Type: Gohyakumangoku, Toshikanrei
Importer: Niigata Sake Selections
Sake Name English: Emperor’s Well
Yeast: Kyokai 10
Skip to: 27:31 Show Closing
This is it! Join us next time for another episode of Sake Revolution!
Episode 61 Transcript
John Puma: 0:22
Hello everybody. And welcome to Sake Revolution. This is America’s first sake podcast. And I’m your host, John Puma from the Sake Notes I’m the, Reddit and discord guy and also the, the sake enthusiast around these parts.
Timothy Sullivan: 0:38
and I’m your host Timothy Sullivan. I’m a Sake Samurai, sake educator, and the founder of the Urban Sake website. And every week John and I are here to talk about all things sake, and do our best to make it fun and easy to understand. And John, I hear a little background noise.
John Puma: 0:56
loud tonight, Tim. Why is that? We are back at Sake Bar Decibel. Once again.
Timothy Sullivan: 1:07
the location of many, a drunken
John Puma: 1:09
night Yes, many, a drunken night and Sake Revolution fans may remember episode 33 back in November when we were here and it was our first ever on location episode. And, uh, we were doing that to kind of celebrate the opening of limited indoor dining. Uh, you remember, we were, we were in the same spot. It was a very quiet, decibel that night we had masks on. We were talking through the masks, we were drinking adjacent to the masks. a very weird, awkward situation. And it was uh, a little scary to be honest because, you know, we were so much uncertainty and going out was still a little weird, but we’re back because we want to celebrate. That most of the restrictions in New York have been lifted and we’ve reached 70% vaccination right here in New York
Timothy Sullivan: 1:57
John Puma: 1:57
is amazing.
Timothy Sullivan: 1:58
Yeah. Things are starting to open up again and we really want to do our best to get out there and support local restaurants and support the sake scene in New York.
John Puma: 2:07
if not, and That’s why we’re literally doing an episode from a local restaurant here in New York. Exactly. So, uh, Tim great. We’re just to a little off, off type, and we’re going to start this with a Kanpai.
Timothy Sullivan: 2:18
I’m down for that
John Puma: 2:20
Chris Johnson will be very proud.
Timothy Sullivan: 2:23
is to the recovery of the sake industry in New York and all over the country Kanpai, John. Sure. Mm, that’s good. So
John Puma: 2:35
We’re going to get into that. We’re going to enter what we just sipped on it a little bit, but first we have some pressing matters to attend to, and that was not at all a pun implying that we’re gonna do a series about pressing methods with that will probably come at some point.
Timothy Sullivan: 2:53
I’m furiously taking notes here.
John Puma: 2:56
Tim, put that notepad down!, stop, stop. We’re also having this opportunity to launch our Patreon.
Timothy Sullivan: 3:03
Yes, we have loved all the support we’ve gotten from the community from sake lovers, all around the world. And we wanted to let people know that we’re offering a new way to help support the Sake Revolution Podcast.
John Puma: 3:16
So, so no longer will the best way to support the show. Putting, your review on apple podcasts, although still do that. We love that. That’s wonderful. Um, however, now the best way will be to, to subscribe to our Patreon. And so real quick, I don’t want to, make this too much about that but we’re going to be doing two tiers, to start with. And first here is, sake enthusiast. And what you’re going to get with that is you’re going to find out what we’re going to be drinking two weeks before the episodes air.
Timothy Sullivan: 3:49
And that is, if you want a sip along with us, you can log onto Patreon. And would that first level tier, which is $3 per month. And for that, you’re going to get access to our Patreon page and we’ll be announcing in advance. What sakes will be enjoying in the upcoming weeks. And you can purchase them in advance and sip along with us when you listen to our podcast, when it comes out, and you’ll also be supporting our ability to bring this sake knowledge to you each and every week.
John Puma: 4:24
in the past. This is a two man operation. and, back when we started planning this whole thing, I didn’t realize that you had to pay like hosting fees and, um, and that, that like editing software cost money. I didn’t know any of these things. Uh, so Yeah, Um, this has been a labor of love, and, this keeps, keeps that labor going. I think, the other tier is a $5 a month and that is the sake otaku. tier. And so with that, you get the same for knowledge of our upcoming episode, uh, beverages of choice. Um, but you also will get access to our monthly zoom happy hour, where in, uh, Tim and I will be there to talk with you about the episodes that aired that month. And we’ll be sipping on the, uh, the rest of the sake that we, uh, opened that month.
Timothy Sullivan: 5:14
Yeah, and we’ll be there live and in person you can log on live.
John Puma: 5:23
here. We haven’t done that one yet.
Timothy Sullivan: 5:26
We’ll be there. Live on zoom. You can come and join us and bring all your sake questions. Enjoy the sake that we’ve reviewed in the episodes together with us. And generally just have a really good time. And that’s going to be the first Wednesday of every month.
John Puma: 5:44
That is right, Tim. And first first for all the sake, Otaku out Um,
Timothy Sullivan: 5:51
wait to become a sake otaku.
John Puma: 5:53
I think you’re already a sake. Uh, I, could be wrong. I think that’s the case. Anyway, I think I’ve described myself as that a couple of times on the show at the intro. Um, and enthusiastic, I think I just kind of borrowed from my own self titles for these tier names. Perhaps
Timothy Sullivan: 6:09
I, I think that if you’re interested in supporting the work of Sake Revolution, we would really appreciate your support. And thank you so much for your consideration. We look forward to seeing you on Patreon or in our zoom
John Puma: 6:26
exactly. Now back to the business at hand, we are at Decibel, we are celebrating. like we’ve mentioned earlier, we really feel like with a lot of the, restrictions being lifted, the fireworks being, being shot off the other night,. that this is a sign that, that New York is coming out of. COVID coming out the other side. of this, and this is something that we’ve been hoping for for the past, like 16 months, just, um, 15 months, 16 months, it feels like an eternity,
Timothy Sullivan: 6:56
it does
John Puma: 6:57
but ever since everything happened, we’ve had this, thing in our head of like, man, when this is over. We’re going to go out and we’re going to have some drinks. and we’re going to have, you know, we’re Enjoy ourselves with our friends and just get out there. And I think it really helped me appreciate how much I like doing that kind of thing. Um, I don’t know about you, but I’m, I’m a little bit of an introvert. I’m, I’m the kind of person that I, I need to recharge by myself and you kind of have some alone time or else. I kinda start to fizzle out a little bit. but whe whole pandemic. really had me just really kind of itching to get out there, all this pent up energy to go out and see people and to do things. And, um, and really, you know, again, like support the places that I love and really made me really appreciate these places that I maybe I took for granted before.
Timothy Sullivan: 7:42
We are ready to get out there and celebrate New York coming back and celebrate all the good sake that’s available all around the country. Super excited.
John Puma: 7:54
it’s a wonderful thing. It’s a wonderful thing.
Timothy Sullivan: 7:56
For those of you who have not listened to our previous Decibel episode, maybe we should give a quick introduction to this fabulous sake bar that we’re in. So Decibel has been open for over 20 years and it was the first sake bar in New York City. And Bon Yagi is the. owner of the tic group, which is the restaurant chain here in New York city. Many of the most outstanding sake restaurants in the city of New York were opened by Mr. Yagi and Decibel was one of his first now to set the scene. We are underground. We are surrounded by graffitied walls.
John Puma: 8:48
lots of graffiti. Lots of sake labels.
Timothy Sullivan: 8:51
Lots of stickers and it is dark and it is, lit by Japanese lanterns and sake bottles, everywhere. People enjoying themselves, drinking sake. It’s a little slice of heaven.
John Puma: 9:05
It’s a wonderful place. And I, I think that, I think the thing I mentioned last time, and this is always what I tell people when they say like, oh, what’s Decibel. Like, I’m like, well, there’s no place. Like there’s nobody’s else like Decibel in New York. And there’s probably no place in Japan. That’s exactly like Decibel. Yeah. Because I think there’s a lot of New York -ness to it. Um, but I think that Decibel is what a lot of people in New York think sake bars in Japan might be like. Um, in fact, and I did mention this last time as well in the last episode of the, uh, Netflix Marvel series, Iron Fist, the very last episode, the very last, like few moments of the episodes. It’s supposed to be a sake bar in Hokkaido and they shot it here and it’s actually the footage actually of Decibel and, and, and I I’ve gone back and rewatch that footage and it’s hilarious to be like, I’ve sat in that seat.
Timothy Sullivan: 9:58
Yeah. So if you are in New York City or you get to New York City, you have to check out sake bar Decibel. The underground destination for late drinking saki nights
John Puma: 10:12
Ah, those are some good nights, Tim, some good nights. We are coming out the other side of this and I think that from a sake standpoint, the way people appreciate sake had to change a little. Um, you know, we, we couldn’t go out to the restaurants and bars like we’re at today. We couldn’t have that in-person experience. So I think a lot of people were buying sake online or they were getting, I think a lot of little, little sake zooms popped up and people were becoming members of those. But for me personally, the biggest change was that sake breweries became accessible virtually. I they really didn’t open themselves up to, to doing like virtual tours with people online and stuff like that until, until the pandemic happened and they really needed to find new ways to promote and they did, and this was one of the big ways to do it. And it’s been so exciting. to have. albeit virtual access to all these different breweries and to have all of these experiences and, and drink the drink, the sakes alongside the people, who made them on this, on a zoom with them. And that’s, that was, that became like the highlight of the week or the month for me, depending on like how often they were happening.
Timothy Sullivan: 11:31
The thing that gets me excited is that going forward, we’re going to have like a hybrid system where we’ll be able to, people are not going to flinch. When you say, can we meet on zoom? Like, can we do the tour on zoom? It’s going to be a thing that people do from now on, and that’s great. We can go in person. We can, when we get back to Japan, we can tour and drink in person again, but we’re going to have more ways to connect to sake. And that’s the silver lining for me.
John Puma: 11:59
I think so too. And I do think that having that kind of access, we always talk about. When we’re getting together as, as people who want to help people explore sake, how do we, how do we make more of those moments? How do we make sake feel more approachable. And I think for a lot of people who are just getting introduced to it, or maybe we’re just experiencing it the first couple of times that like, oh, you’re going to this virtual tour and like kind of chill with the guy who made this. sake. And. It changes the sake from this unknowable thing to something that is so much more familiar. it’s like you’ll have that memory of the time. that the owner’s son took you. It took you around the brewery on his iPhone and then sat down. and, um, and drank the sake and, and laughed at your jokes and, And you know, blah, blah, blah. it’s a it’s a unique experience. I think that something that you And I have gotten to do, when we go to Japan, but it’s something that the vast majority of people who are getting into sake here in the U S never get to experience. And that’s, and I think that that’s, even though it’s a virtual experience is so important. And I think that it’s, it Really does that demystification thing. So, well,
Timothy Sullivan: 13:05
There. Yeah. For anyone who’s interested in sake, having the chance to talk to the producer with a qualified translator, it’s like such a rare opportunity. So I couldn’t agree more. I think that going forward, it’s going to be a great Renaissance for sake. sake.
John Puma: 13:25
I think from a sake standpoint, that is the big, that’s the, the silver lining of this horrible thing that occurred is that now there’s this, wonderful, wonderful access. And I, I just really think that it’s gonna turn, it’s gonna turn a lot of people who were just a little bit interested in sake and the people who get really into sake.
Timothy Sullivan: 13:43
Yeah. W don’t you also think John, that there’s more of a community as well, like, uh, people have come together online and I think that there’s more connections have been built. Ironically, when we’ve been sheltering in place at home, there’s been more international connections built and that can only be good for, for the growth of the industry here.
John Puma: 14:06
It is. we’ve got more than one bottle of sake spoiler guys. We’ve got more than one. I’m also going to talk about here. So I think we should probably start in the interest of time. I realized this episode’s probably gonna run a little long, but I think that’s okay, so the first sake that we’re going to be talking about, and this is the one that we kanpai-ed with at the opening, Tim, do you want to talk about that?
Timothy Sullivan: 14:28
Sure this is a brand called Shichiken, and this is their Junmai Ginzo. Uh, the rice milling rate for this one is 57%. And the sake rice that they use is called Yume Sansui
John Puma: 14:46
I think I’ve heard of, yume sansui, but very, very infrequently.
Timothy Sullivan: 14:51
it is not a common
John Puma: 14:52
Timothy Sullivan: 14:53
Nope. Okay. Then we have, uh, SMV of plus one. Acidity of 1.7 and this brewery is located in a prefecture called Yamanashi
John Puma: 15:04
So Tim, do you, do you know where Yamanashi is?
Timothy Sullivan: 15:07
Well, having just consulted a map Yamanashi is west of Tokyo and the brewery name is Yamanashi Meijo Co..
John Puma: 15:18
they’re embracing the, prefecture
Timothy Sullivan: 15:20
Yes, in their company name. So Shichiken is a well-known brand from, Yamanashi. And, uh, yeah. So let’s go ahead and dive into this right, so let’s give this a smell.
John Puma: 15:39
So I couldn’t help, but notice when I opened the bottle, that was the first thing that caught me was. The aroma I opened literally was like open the bottle. It was, it was still like arms length for me. And I was like, Ooh, that’s nice.
Timothy Sullivan: 15:51
Yeah, so I get a nice floral note. Uh, reminds me a little bit of like that wonderful aroma, just when you step into a flower shop, you know, that kind of, that combination of floral notes, very gentle lights. And, maybe a little pineapple note in there as well.
John Puma: 16:10
For me, the I’m noticing the fruit a little bit more than the floral. Uh, but I, I tend to favor that kind of aroma. Uh, I tend to not.notice flower aromas as much and weird that way. Well, I do get the little bit of pineapple that tropical fruit nose. That’s right where I like it.
Timothy Sullivan: 16:30
But overall gentle, right? It’s not, not aggressive. and the alcohol percentage here is 15%. So this is a really classic Junmai Ginjo sake. sake.
John Puma: 16:42
The, the Ginjo-ka very present i know the words, I just don’t always use it.
Timothy Sullivan: 16:50
Ginjo KA is that classic tropical fruity ginjo aroma this is just beautiful
John Puma: 16:59
Yeah, I think, I think Ginjo-Ka like my it’s like, what do you like in a sake,
Timothy Sullivan: 17:04
games. john?.
John Puma: 17:05
Timothy Sullivan: 17:07
Yeah. So this is right in our wheelhouse. Isn’t it? Oh yeah. Now tasting it. It’s got nice fruity. And just a hint of richness, but still relatively light. Nice long finish too
John Puma: 17:29
Long finish it’s but at the same time, not cloying, not, no, no it’s light. And it was just light and just very present for a while. It’s kind of, this is a really very like textbook Junmai ginjo in a lot of ways.
Timothy Sullivan: 17:46
I think you nailed it there. That is exactly how I would describe. Just drinkable, lightly fruity, overall soft body balanced. Yeah. Yummy. Yummy.
John Puma: 18:01
Um, I want to say, crushable
Timothy Sullivan: 18:05
Yes. Very, very good. So what about food pairings for this?
John Puma: 18:12
I don’t know, I don’t want to mess with it.
Timothy Sullivan: 18:14
Well, I’m
John Puma: 18:15
What do you think What do you
Timothy Sullivan: 18:16
think like that, like what I would be craving with this is like some really delicious summer vegetables, like fresh asparagus. Some like asparagus salad would be wonderful with this, really,
John Puma: 18:31
You’re not worried that the bitterness of the asparagus might be a little much, or you think that’s going to compliment it.
Timothy Sullivan: 18:36
I think it’s going to compliment it nicely, especially with a vinegarette. Like a little citrusy vinegarette, I think would be wonderful.
John Puma: 18:42
I’m gonna take some notes.
Timothy Sullivan: 18:43
Yeah. just really, really enjoyable. I love this sake
John Puma: 18:49
I have not had this in, in a long time. And based on my sipping right now, I’m going to say it has been too long. It’s he deserves, uh, deserves to be drunk more. Very nice.
Timothy Sullivan: 19:10
The only thing I’ve read about Yamanashi Meijo is that I think at some point in history, when the emperor was traveling from Tokyo to Kyoto, he stopped and stayed overnight at the Yamanashi Meijo Brewery in the past. Like maybe in the Edo era or something?
John Puma: 19:33
like, which are we talking about?
Timothy Sullivan: 19:37
No, this is a
John Puma: 19:38
happened last year.
Timothy Sullivan: 19:39
This is a long time ago.
John Puma: 19:43
I want to say the emperor has some good sake in that trip.
Timothy Sullivan: 19:47
there’s some food recommendations here, a tempura. Grilled tskune, a Chawanmushi or dim sum.
John Puma: 19:56
the temper, a little heavier there
Timothy Sullivan: 19:59
Those are heavier. Yeah. So it says dry yet. Fruity, medium bodied with a tangy citrus, apple, radish, toffey, and grassy earth accent finish.
John Puma: 20:13
I want to focus on the medium body for a moment. What do you think about that?
Timothy Sullivan: 20:17
I would say that’s true.
John Puma: 20:19
We were talking about, it’d be a little bit light, but it might just be that it’s light compared to the flavor. The flavor kind of makes me think heavier sake, but it’s not. Yeah. yeah. So I guess what’s the difference becomes medium then
Timothy Sullivan: 20:34
Yeah. I mean, I’ve said this many times, but it’s all about integrated. sake. And when the acidity, the alcohol, the sugars, the aroma, the body are all kind of in balance and work with each other. That’s really the most important thing. And I think this sake has that in spades. It’s really well balanced and integrated.
John Puma: 20:58
There is there’s some harmony
Timothy Sullivan: 20:59
Yes. Amen. Love it.
John Puma: 21:04
Timothy Sullivan: 21:04
All right.
John Puma: 21:08
It’s going to be tough to beat.
Timothy Sullivan: 21:11
so we have a second sake as well that we’re enjoying today.
John Puma: 21:16
are spoiled Tim.
Timothy Sullivan: 21:19
And the second one was a recommendation from the manager here at Decibel Cho and, uh, Cho-san, recommended this wonderful sake we’re about to try. And this is from the Niigata prefecture.
John Puma: 21:34
Ah, you’re intimately familiar with Niigata
Timothy Sullivan: 21:36
I am. So, John, do you want to give us the stats for this sake?
John Puma: 21:42
Certainly Tim. So this is the Kimonoi brand. Uh, the nickname is the emperors well, good name. I like that. Uh, this is a Yamahai Junmai. And the rice has been milled down to 65% and that’s a gohyakumangoku rice. So this is, this is with the exception of the Yamahai parts. So very Niigata when you look at the sheet, the name of the brewery is, is the same as the brands Kiminoi Shuzo. And they were founded in 1842. Would make me stop here for quite a while. yeah, the, a SMB is zero and the acidity is 1.6. All right. So we’re going to open this one up to have you wanna do the honors, right? Now Tim, I did mention this was a Yamahai. And do you want to refresh our listeners on what that means? Exactly.
Timothy Sullivan: 22:41
All our listeners could go back and listen to our entire shubo series four exciting episodes. That’ll have you on the edge of your seats about fermentation starters Yamahai is one of the fermentations starter options that allows for natural lactic acid development, and it tends to lend an earthier and more umami driven, profile to the sake. So whenever you see Yamahai or Kimoto, you may want to think, oh, this could be a little funky. This could be a little earthy.
John Puma: 23:15
Yeah, funky. Usually the, target term.
Timothy Sullivan: 23:18
So we have poured our Yamahai. Junmai
John Puma: 23:20
We have poured our yamahai Junmai Tim, kanpai.
Timothy Sullivan: 23:23
John Puma: 23:24
I can probably get to just do this. This is great. Oh, that nose is so very earthy that this is that Yamahai is not being shy about it as a stark contrast to the ginjo that we have tasted
Timothy Sullivan: 23:43
there is not a pineapple in sight here. Yeah.
John Puma: 23:48
a bowl of rice. but this has depth and richness. You can study the sake. There’s a lot going on.
Timothy Sullivan: 24:03
This is a Yamahai and it has that I’m I would describe it as a lactic character, lactic acid develops in these Yamahai sakes naturally. And I pick up on that in this particular Kiminoi sake, it’s just a hint of something, a lactic, a little bit of a dairy think of butter or cream kind of tastes. And it’s, it’s very subtle. And rice is also very, very prominent, but when you’re studying sake and studying Yamahai.
John Puma: 24:41
to draw.
Timothy Sullivan: 24:43
Looking for those lactic notes is really a great way to train your palate.
John Puma: 24:48
Uh, I don’t expose myself to a lot of dairy because I am like, so, so I take your word for it on some of this. Actually when I take a heavier sip of this and let it linger in my mouth for a little while I get the cream and the butter. Um, so, uh, not, not the cheese so much. Maybe it may be a mild cheese that kind of tastes like cream or butter. Um, but Yeah. so I do, I do understand what you’re saying. I think when I was just having a small sip, I was just being so bowled over by that rice.
Timothy Sullivan: 25:21
Yeah. Yeah. The rice is very prominent. And this is a sake you can serve at many temperatures, right?
John Puma: 25:30
That’s that’s exactly how they recommend it.
Timothy Sullivan: 25:32
And the interesting thing is that Niigata is not known for this style Niigata is really well known for cleaner, lighter styles as we’ve talked about many times. And I think that in the world of Yamahai, this is probably a very gentle treatment of Yamahai. It’s not like super in your face. So it’s, it’s a little bit Niigata in that way, but he got that in general is not super well known for Yamahai or Kimoto.
John Puma: 26:02
Yeah. Like you mentioned, when I think of Niigata, I think of that light crisp a little ricey, always gentle. And then. Which is very, very, very crisp stuff, a little bit dry. Um, and this is as a Yamahai and it, and it tastes like a Yamahai, it it’s light. It’s a little, it’s not as aggressive as your usual. Yamahai.
Timothy Sullivan: 26:25
You know, I’ve had, I’ve had Yamahai and Kimotos, that are super light and gentle much more than this. So I think this still delivers on the promise of a Yamahai. If you were purchasing this sake in the hopes of getting that Yamahai experience, I don’t think you’d be disappointed.
John Puma: 26:40
Not at all. They do also make a Junmai ginjo version of this, which, and I wonder how that would come up, because that might be, that might lean a little bit more. Niigata maybe a little bit lighter crisper and maybe the Yamahai note might be a little subdued. Um, I’m kind of very fascinated by the way that might taste like, I’m very interested. I want to do that, I like exploring that, middle space whenever I see like a, a Yamahai or a Kimoto that’s like a, Daiginjo like, I need to try it. Cause I need to know like, like what’s that that’s like a, that’s a, a clashing of two styles. That’s what I want to taste. I want to know what that’s like. Cause that’s going to be this super funky style on one end and there’s like super refined style on the other end and combining them, it’s going to be, it’s going to make for something very interesting and probably delicious.
Timothy Sullivan: 27:31
John, this has been so much fun. It’s so good to see you in person and yeah. And to share sake across the table, it was just wonderful. And it’s going to be more and more of this. And we can’t wait to hear from all of our listeners, how you’re enjoying sake out in about let’s be safe, but let’s kanpai in person. All right. So I want to thank you, John, for meeting me tonight and having a wonderful time here at Decibel. And I want to thank all of our listeners so much for tuning in. We really do hope that you’re enjoying our show. if you’d like to share your enjoyment of our Sake Revolution podcast, one great way to spread the word is to leave a review on apple podcasts.
John Puma: 28:19
Yes. And we really do appreciate that. as we mentioned at the top of the show, the best way to support us now, is through our Patreon, and that is over at Patreon.com/SakeRevolution. Please go and sign up. So we can’t wait to tell you what sake is. We’re going to drink two weeks in advance. And then we look also look forward to see you guys on our monthly zoom call and then drinking with Now another thing that you can do. Signing up for Patreon is to subscribe and also to tell your friends and then get your friends to subscribe because a subscription means that you get every episode and you don’t miss any. And then we have situations where we’re talking about yamahais and it’s like, wait a minute. What episode was that? You already know? Because you subscribed, you have the episode already, you listened to it. You already know what we did. Do you know what exactly what sake we drank before? uh, every, uh, every week when we publish a new episode, it will show up on your device of choice. You don’t have to do anything at all. You just wake up in the morning and there’s an episode on your phone
Timothy Sullivan: 29:24
and you won’t miss an episode.
John Puma: 29:25
and you will not miss a single episode. I agree.
Timothy Sullivan: 29:29
And as always, if you’d like to learn more about any of the sakes we tasted in today’s episode or any of the fabulous locations we have visited, be sure to check out our show notes. You can read them at SakeRevolution.com.
John Puma: 29:43
And if you have any questions that you need answered, we’re here for you. And we also have an email address for you to send those questions. That email address is [email protected] so until next time, please remember to keep drinking and kanpai!