Episode 61: Back Underground: Returning to Sake Bar Decibel

Shichiken Junmai Ginjo

Brewery: Yamanashi Meijo
Alcohol: 15.0%
Classification: Junmai Ginjo
Prefecture: Yamanashi
SMV: +1.0
Brand: Shichiken (七賢)
Seimaibuai: 57%
Rice Type: Yumesansui
Acidity: 1.7
Importer: Wismettac (USA)

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Kiminoi Yamahai Junmai

Brewery: Kiminoi Shuzo
Classification: Junmai, Yamahai
Acidity: 1.6
Alcohol: 15.5%
Prefecture: Niigata
Seimaibuai: 65%
SMV: ±0
Rice Type: Gohyakumangoku, Toshikanrei
Importer: Niigata Sake Selections
Sake Name English: Emperor’s Well
Yeast: Kyokai 10

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Listen to Episode 60