- Episode 87 Show Notes
- Episode 87 Transcript
Episode 87 Show Notes
Episode 87. With 2021 drawing to a close, it’s time to take a look back at the sake year that was. Join us this week for some casual sipping and some discussion on the highlights, surprises and challenges of this past year’s sake adventures. But we’re not only looking back, we are also looking ahead to 2022 and coming up with a new set of our annual Sake Revolution Resolutions – setting our sake goals for the year ahead. Did you have a favorite Sake Revolution Episode from this year? Let us know in the comments and we look forward to another year of great sake and many kanpais.
Skip to: 00:19 Hosts Welcome and Introduction
Welcome to the show from John and Timothy
Skip to: 01:05 2021 Recap: Sake Year in Review
Skip to: 10:20 Sake Introductions
Skip to: 14:13 Sake tasting: Toyo Bijin Okarakuchi Junmai Ginjo
Toyo Bijin Okarakuchi Junmai Ginjo
Classification: Junmai Ginjo
Prefecture: Yamaguchi
Rice Type: Yamadanishiki
Seimaibuai: 55%
SMV: +15.0
Acidity: 1.5
Brewery: Sumikawa Shuzojo
Alcohol: 16.5%
Brand: Toyobijin (東洋美)
Sake Name English: Asian Beauty
NOTE: Use Discount Code “REVOLUTION” for 10% off your first order with Tippsy Sake.
Skip to: 18:22 Sake tasting: Kid Junmai Daiginjo
Kid Junmai Daiginjo
Brewery: Heiwa Shuzo (Wakayama)
Classification: Junmai Daiginjo
Acidity: 1.3
Alcohol: 15.0%
Prefecture: Wakayama
Seimaibuai: 50%
SMV: +2.0
Rice Type: Yamadanishiki
Brand: KID (紀土)
Importer: Sake Suki, LLC
NOTE: Use Discount Code “REVOLUTION” for 10% off your first order with Tippsy Sake.
Skip to: 26:41 2022 Sake Revolution Resolutions
Skip to: 30:33 Show Closing
This is it! Join us next time for another episode of Sake Revolution!
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Episode 87 Transcript
John Puma: 0:22
Hello everybody. And welcome to Sake Revolution. This is America’s very first sake podcast, and I am a, one of your lovely hosts, John Puma. Uh, I am from a little site, called the Sake Notes, and also the administrator over at the ever-growing Internet Sake Discord.
Timothy Sullivan: 0:44
and I am your host, Timothy Sullivan. I’m a Sake Samurai, a sake educator, as well as the founder of the Urban Sake website. And every week, John and I will be here tasting and also chatting about all things sake and doing our best to make it fun and easy to understand.
John Puma: 1:03
And Tim.
Timothy Sullivan: 1:04
John Puma: 1:05
We’re close to the end here. I hope you had a very happy and productive 2021.
Timothy Sullivan: 1:12
Yeah, it is the end of the year. I can’t believe it. I’m very excited for the holidays, but not sure what next year is going to bring.
John Puma: 1:22
Now it’s a ever-changing, uh, this an ever-changing I thought, you know, wherever we thought that we were like really coming out the other end of the strong
Timothy Sullivan: 1:31
John Puma: 1:33
and then, and then Omicron
Timothy Sullivan: 1:34
Boop. Boop.
John Puma: 1:35
Timothy Sullivan: 1:36
Yeah. And the one thing we’ve talked about again, and again, is wanting to get back to Japan
John Puma: 1:42
Timothy Sullivan: 1:43
that’s not in the cards right now.
John Puma: 1:46
that carrot gets. Every time we get it just swings further away every single time.
Timothy Sullivan: 1:51
Yeah. Yeah, well, it might be fun today to take a little bit of a look back at 2021. Uh, see how we did and maybe talk about some of our plans and ideas for 2022. What do you think.
John Puma: 2:06
I, I like it. I like it now. Um, we did a similar, uh, similarly themed episode to this last year. And one of the major things that came out of that was our Sake Revolution resolutions now I don’t want to get into what 20, 22 is going to bring just yet, but I did want to start with, how did we do, how did we do on 2021?
Timothy Sullivan: 2:31
I think we did. All right. Should we remind the folks what our resolutions were?
John Puma: 2:35
I definitely think that’s important.
Timothy Sullivan: 2:38
Yes. Well, for me, my resolution. Was to drink more sake outside of my comfort zone.
John Puma: 2:47
For you, what does that, mean?
Timothy Sullivan: 2:49
well, my sake safe space is kind of sakes that are light, clean, crisp, and dry kind of easy drinking. And I wanted to drink more sake that was maybe. Bold and rich and earthy umami driven and just not as light and clean. And I have to say that the one thing that made that resolution really happen is doing this podcast with you.
John Puma: 3:22
Yeah, there’s a lot of ’em that’s one thing we can’t w we realized this year is that there’s a lot of sake that is not in our wheelhouse that we drank for the show. And so it does kind of force us to, to have things that normally we wouldn’t have. Go out and buy on our own. right?
Timothy Sullivan: 3:44
John Puma: 3:45
I don’t know. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had some good experiences with that.
Timothy Sullivan: 3:48
absolutely. I’ve been surprised it’s sake. Grab off the shelf at first glance, if I was shopping, but having it for the show and drinking it at home, it’s like, oh, this is really interesting. And I can appreciate X, Y, Z about this sake again, it’s not something I want to drink relaxing on the couch every night, but every sake has its time and its pairing and its place. And that’s a big Takeaway.
John Puma: 4:19
Uh, I, I also think, I think I P we predicted a little bit, a couple weeks back, we talked about the advent calendar, the sake advent calendar. And I think that, you know, getting a lot of different, different sake that you didn’t hand select yourself from all your, all different profiles on it is really gonna encourage experimentation. So, Yeah,
Timothy Sullivan: 4:40
sure. Yeah. So I think, I, I rose to my revolution resolution. I don’t know if I knocked it out of the park, but I, I was very much in the spirit of, of that. And running a sake podcast really helped me achieve my goal.
John Puma: 4:58
Timothy Sullivan: 4:59
Yeah. Well, what about you? Remind everyone what your resolution was.
John Puma: 5:02
mine was to buy more sake locally. And I think I did a pretty good job. a couple of places near me have, have some smaller sake selections. And so I’ve been buying from them a bit more and also conversing with them and encouraging them to expand. Their selections a little bit more so I can have more to buy. Um, I also have been doing my part to support local sake breweries. So, you know, getting, getting the bike out and going over to Kato sake works in Bushwick, going out and getting on the train and going to Brooklyn, Kura, uh, over in, over an industry city in Brooklyn and, you know, just trying to get out there and, taste the sake that’s being sold around here. a little less from the big store is a little bit more from the little guys, so I think I did. All right. I feel like I could still do. But I did. I did. I did pretty good.
Timothy Sullivan: 5:59
I was just looking back, John, at all the topics, all the different shows we did in 2021. And I was wondering, do you have a favorite show of all the episodes we did?
John Puma: 6:12
Oh, do I have a favorite show? So I was looking over the 2021 episodes and I it’s, there’s so many that I forgot. we did, this year. I was, there were so many, I thought happened in 2020. Um, we had a lot of series that we started, I thought was great. I think that, you know, we had the shubo series that we had the pressing series. We added a lot more to the wild rice series. Uh, I really thought those were a lot of fun, um, to do those are like my favorite types. I like those little, little short series that we do.
Timothy Sullivan: 6:48
Yeah. Well, one episode that I really enjoyed a lot was the kawaii sake label. the super cute sake labels. it was like a frivolous topic and I really enjoyed the sake game and it was just so cute looking into the design ideas behind these like super cute labels and learning about the cat and about the, the snow, Yeti and Niigata and all this stuff. And. That was just something that stayed with me that was really unexpectedly fun. So I really enjoyed that.
John Puma: 7:24
Yeah. like I said, I have a hard time picking a single one, but I really did enjoy a lot of our smart our short series. I thought those were those. Uh, and the introduction of branded those were, those are fun. Those were a nice excuse to talk about whatever sake we were really feeling that week. It was a lot of fun to do. Uh, you know, we kind of crossed over the, you know, interviewing with that brand, that idea when we had Sam on, even though that was only a few short weeks ago, so Yeah. that was nice. I liked that.
Timothy Sullivan: 7:59
Yeah. Well, I should also mention maybe some of the stats that we achieved in 2021.
John Puma: 8:05
You do love the numbers, don’t you?
Timothy Sullivan: 8:07
love to crunch the numbers and we published including this one. Today we published 49 episodes in 2021
John Puma: 8:17
49. You know what that
Timothy Sullivan: 8:19
John Puma: 8:21
that means we missed a few because there’s 52 weeks in a year. Two.
Timothy Sullivan: 8:23
Maybe a few weeks slipped by, but that’s pretty darn good for a
John Puma: 8:28
Not bad, not bad,
Timothy Sullivan: 8:30
Yeah. And at, at the end of 2020, We had just over 10,000 downloads of episodes. And at the end of 2021, we’re almost at the end of the month, we have 28,000 downloads. So we went from 10,000 in one year to 28,000 in one year. I think that’s really good. That’s almost three times as much.
John Puma: 8:59
That’s not bad. So what you’re saying is that people seem to like the, show,
Timothy Sullivan: 9:03
John Puma: 9:03
or at least they’re listening to it. I don’t know if they, if they like it or not.
Timothy Sullivan: 9:07
the audience is growing, which is awesome. And I mean, it makes sense. It takes time to get the word out and for Google to figure out what your show is all about and all that stuff. So it’s been really exciting to see the downloads go up and. The number of episodes go up. And, uh, it takes a lot of hard work to get an episode out every week. But looking back at a whole year, it’s really rewarding. Don’t you think?
John Puma: 9:36
I think? so. And you know, we also, let’s not forget. We also launched the Patreon.
Timothy Sullivan: 9:43
Oh yeah.
John Puma: 9:44
Yeah. that was a thing.
Timothy Sullivan: 9:46
John Puma: 9:47
And that’s been a lot of fun to do also. And, you know, getting, uh, getting to kind of meet with, uh, our constituents on a monthly basis has been, um, has been nice. Uh, it helps us kind of get good opinions on people who are helping to make this happen and, and, you know, see like what their, you know, what they want to see more of. And it’s just been a lot of fun. Uh, you know, Tim, it’s a little early, but, I think it’s, you know, an episode like this is never too early for us to have a drink.
Timothy Sullivan: 10:17
Oh, yes, let’s do it.
John Puma: 10:19
Well, that’s.
Timothy Sullivan: 10:20
So this is going to be a free form. Let your hair down. Potluck, sake selection. There’s no theme or rhyme or reason. We just picked a sake. We wanted to go with so. Do you want to introduce your sake first?
John Puma: 10:37
Sure. Sure. Um, now before I do, I’m going to say, I that this was not the sake I planned to have. my wife received this sake as a gift. yesterday And today I was, I was doing some work this afternoon and she brought over a little, a little cup to help distract me a little bit. Cause I was getting a little frustrated and as she’s putting the glass down, I’m like, wow, this aroma. I should, I get it’s far from me. And I can still like, just, it really just, just intense. It was smelled delicious. Is this what I think this is like, yeah. You mind if I use this for the show? She’s like, no, go ahead. so, I have the kid, the Heiwa Shuzo kid, Junmai Daiginjo, This is, using a Yamahai And Shiki mill down to 50% of its original size sake meter value. That measure of dry to sweet is plus two. Just a hair on that, on the drier side, but really almost a meaningless number, I think, plus two. And, um, and the alcohol percentage is 15%. And, uh, Heiwa Shuzo is located in Wakayama prefecture.
Timothy Sullivan: 11:57
And for those interested, we did a whole episode on Heiwa Shuzo with a kid brand. And that was episode. That was episode 65.
John Puma: 12:06
Yeah. That was a. one of our earlier branded episodes
Timothy Sullivan: 12:11
Yeah. And that’s where we established the sake brewers hero’s journey of working in the big city, returning to the brewery, taking over and changing to a modern style, which is a story we’ve heard a few times.
John Puma: 12:26
That’s been like my favorite story. I think like, Overarching concept has been like my favorite thing that we’ve covered in 2021. It’s just been such a fun tale to hear over and over again. and, and Tim, what about you?
Timothy Sullivan: 12:41
Well, I wanted to stay true to my revolution resolution. So I reached for a sake I have in my sake fridge that may not be something I would gravitate to every day. It is a super dry sake. So this is, uh, the brand is Toyo Bijin Junmai Ginjo and it’s the Okarakuchi or super dry version. So the classification is Junmai Ginjo. This is from Yamaguchi prefecture and the brewery name is Sumikawa Shuzojo. And the rice that they’re using is Yamada Nishiki that’s mill down to 55%. The acidity is 1.5. We have an alcohol of 16.5%. And the big number here to look at is the SMV plus 15 1 5.
John Puma: 13:40
wow. That is.
Timothy Sullivan: 13:42
I think this is one of the highest SMVs we’ve featured on the podcast, for sure. So plus 15 for the SMV
John Puma: 13:52
That is intense.
Timothy Sullivan: 13:53
yeah, so I think it’s going to be really dry on the finish and I’m super excited to try it. I’ve had this before a long time ago, but I really wanted to revisit it and yeah. So that’s what I brought along for today.
John Puma: 14:05
All right. Fantastic. Well, why don’t we, uh, why don’t we get these sakes into our respective glasses.
Timothy Sullivan: 14:13
All right, I’m going to open mine up. Going to give it a pour. All right. So I’ve got my Toyo Bijin in the glass and Toyo Bijin is often translated in English as Asian beauty. And this brewery, Sumikawa Shuzojo is relatively young for Japan. It was founded in 1921. So they just had their a hundred year anniversary this year.
John Puma: 14:52
You know, when he, when you said like relatively young, you said 19. And I was like, oh wow, 19, anything. We usually don’t get that. And then it’s like a hundred years. It’s like, oh Yeah, or it’s 20, 21. Isn’t it.
Timothy Sullivan: 15:03
John Puma: 15:03
Timothy Sullivan: 15:06
All right. So I’m going to give this a smell now with an SMV of plus 15 that’s super dry marker. You would think that this would smell rice-y and like alcohol right up your nose, but it does not. It actually smells like apple peel.
John Puma: 15:23
Timothy Sullivan: 15:24
Yeah. It has a apple pear kind of aroma to it. Really interesting. You know, some super dry sakes have ethanol right up your nose, like so much alcohol aroma, but this is not like that at all. It’s really a light aroma and it has some apple or pear notes to it
John Puma: 15:46
Timothy Sullivan: 15:47
going to give it a taste. Okay, so, wow. The finish is super dry, but it’s not unpleasant or over the top, it, it has a very, very dry finish. Sometimes people ask me, like, what do you mean by dry? Like is wet. Why would it taste dry? When we say dry, we kind of mean the absence of sugars. So sugar is, or glucose is brought into balance the taste of the alcohol, and you can have more or less of those sugars. And when the sugars get more reduced, the alcohol notes come forward more. And it, if you think about sipping on a martini or sipping on gin, it kind of feels like it’s pickling the sides of your tongue a little bit. That’s the. Impression that you get from a super dry sake. So you get a little bit of that. Uh, almost like a tannin impression on the sides of the tongue, where it kind of dries out.
John Puma: 16:53
Timothy Sullivan: 16:54
And, um, but the, the start of the flavor, when you sip on this Toyo Bijin is balanced it’s light, and then it finishes super dry, like drying out your tongue and. Really interesting. It also has a little bit of a spicy finish to it. Like I read a tasting note that said it has a little bit of a nutmeg finish or baking spices on the finish. And there’s just a hint of that. So this feels like a good autumnal sake starts with an apple peel aroma. It’s a really lightened in the beginning and kind of finishes super dry and a little bit spicy. Really good. Really good.
John Puma: 17:37
Very nice. Cool. Um, I, that, that sounds great. It sounds like it’s, it sounds like, you know, and we, we talk about this a lot, even though you’ve got that big. It’s still very well balanced. a lot of the time, the inference or the idea you get in your head is when some factor of a beverage is so high when no one number is so much higher than everything else, you immediately assume that it’s going to be, wildly in one direction at the cost of everything else and sake it when it’s someone is made, right, isn’t like that sake is all about balance. So it’s my turn. And I poured this a little while ago
Timothy Sullivan: 18:22
John Puma: 18:22
And I’ve been just sitting here being taunted by the aroma, even though this glass is halfway across my desk. It is so there’s so much Tim. There’s so much aroma. Uh, I mentioned that a little bit earlier, but it was just, wow. All that aroma and it is. Like strawberry, Yeah. something and the aroma is even maybe like a, Almost like cotton candy in a way, but, but strawberry is like the defining, uh, the defining aroma component for me. Just wonderful, wonderful stuff. Uh, it is. Very clear, very, very, very transparent. And as I mentioned, just, just phenomenally fruity big aroma that, Junmai Daiginjo aroma right there in your face. And for testing it, um, So it’s vibrant. It is, it’s kind of soft, but not like, you know, we we’ve talked about how sometimes we have stuff that’s, that Daiginjo mouthfeel that luxuriousness, that clings not so much. You know, it’s soft, it’s light, the clean, the finishes really clean. Yeah. the fruit is still present, but it kind of relaxes a little bit. Like you’re getting enough of that in the nose. That’s really, really, really delicious. This is, and I think I’ve used this phrase too. Describe the kids stuff in the past. It’s just so drinkable and that clean finish. Has you ready for the next sip because you’ve just, it’s it’s gone and you enjoyed it. So you want more and, uh, or at least, at least I do
Timothy Sullivan: 20:15
So it’s safe to say this is well outside of your comfort zone.
John Puma: 20:19
T I can barely see it for me. Now. This is, uh, all kidding aside. This is very much in my zone. This is, um, You know, I picked this for, for a reason. I thoroughly enjoy this sake. Okay. Uh, the aroma is so fruity. It might put some people off to be, you know, being completely honest, but the taste doesn’t have that, like, it’s not the taste isn’t as aggressively fruity as the aroma and it’s just so well balanced and so nice and refreshing when you taste it. Uh, and then, you know, when you’re sipping on it again, that, that aromas there, you’re, gonna, you know, it’s, you’re going to experience it again and just have a really good time. Sipping it again. And again,
Timothy Sullivan: 21:03
And again, and again, uh, I, I have a question for you. So you mentioned cotton candy on the aroma your sake. And that makes me like a little warning, a little warning flag goes up in my mind, like, is this going to taste sweet?
John Puma: 21:18
right. You, you definitely get that idea, but
Timothy Sullivan: 21:21
Is it sweet?
John Puma: 21:22
not really, I mean, it’s, it’s not it’s, you know, it’s not aggressively dry it’s no, um, no. Plus 15, uh,
Timothy Sullivan: 21:30
John Puma: 21:32
But the, the, the finish is crisp and dry like that it, is, you know, it is a plus to sake. It’s just that, that aroma is just so, um, the flavor doesn’t need to be like, I think that’s the flavor we’re pack the. punch, that fruit and sweetness punch that the aroma promises, it would be too much. it would be, it would be out of balance Yeah. And here you’re just really feeling. It’s it’s very, very nice in that way. It just really, um, again, just sets you up cause you want some more of that aroma without really, without bowling you over with sweetness. Yeah, It could have been really easy for them to make a decision and go, you know, go full steam ahead and just make this, Just just sweetness bomb, but they, they, they didn’t go that route.
Timothy Sullivan: 22:25
yeah, well, it sounds like you picked a sake. You’re really going to enjoy to kind of ride out the end of 2021.
John Puma: 22:35
definitely. Definitely. Yeah.
Timothy Sullivan: 22:38
Cool. Well, um, I have another question for you getting back to kind of the year in review. Uh, was there anything that surprised you in our run of podcast shows for 2021?
John Puma: 22:55
As far as sake a surprises go, it’s rare that I get to taste something on the show that I’ve never tasted before. Right. You know, it’s usually, it’s like stuff we’ve had, but it’s been a long time, you know, maybe something like that. But when we had Byron Stithem on from Proper Sake Company, At your place no less. We tasted his sake sight unseen. I’d never, so much as sniff the aroma before. And so I didn’t know what exactly what to expect, but I knew that he was really into a little more, you know, crazy style stuff. And so I was a little worried that maybe it wasn’t going to be my thing. And. Having, you know, having that sip and being like, oh, oh, this is fantastic. This is really good.
Timothy Sullivan: 23:45
John Puma: 23:45
That was a big, big surprise for me. It was just so, you know, uh, I think he described it as a pretty Yamahai and I, I was really into that and really impressed at how, uh, how much I enjoyed it and how well he was able to pull off that style, which I think is like, really. To, you know, to make a Yamahai, but also really make it approachable. And as somebody who’s not the biggest Yamahai fan in the world, like having that, that combination was just, uh, it was, it was a wonderful surprise.
Timothy Sullivan: 24:23
Yeah, that was a really fun episode. Byron is such a cool dude. And. You. And I were both tasting his sake for the first time with him sitting right there, which is a very high pressure situation, but it was really, it was really good and just so exciting to see what domestic sake brewers are doing. And the fact that we had the chance to meet with him face to face was a really special episode.
John Puma: 24:51
Absolutely. you know, and we got to do a episode. on location, uh, at your place, which was great.
Timothy Sullivan: 24:58
absolutely. And for me, I think in the challenges category, I know you would agree with this for sure is that we’ve tried doing foreign language interviews, uh, this year. And. A challenge. It is difficult to edit that information and get the translation done correctly and do a voiceover. That sounds good. And still convey the meaning of what the person saying in Japanese. It is really hard to do those. I want to do more of them, but I hope we can streamline our process more and find a way to edit and produce those foreign language episodes a little bit more smoothly. So that’s a challenge, but yeah, we’re going to get better at it. And it is something that is really worth the effort, I think, because getting to hear from sake brewers directly. Is something that is so valuable. I know when I was first visiting Japan and getting into sake, being able to sit down with a brewer and ask them questions and have a translator there to help, help me understand was just so valuable. And I am really happy we can share that experience with all of our listeners and. You know, if we ask good questions and that’ll help people get a better understanding of the way that the Japanese sake brewers thinking. Super exciting. We just got to work a little bit more on the technical side, on the process, and I think we’ll get a, we’ll get a few more done in this coming year
John Puma: 26:41
Yeah, absolutely. Now, Tim. We are approaching the end of this episode. So gotta ask you what is going to be your sake revolution resolution for 2022?
Timothy Sullivan: 27:02
Okay. Well, for my revolution resolution, I was thinking of trying to drink less, but higher quality.
John Puma: 27:19
So, so were talking about going, wait a minute. you already Timothy Daiginjo Sullivan.
Timothy Sullivan: 27:31
Well, when I say higher quality, it’s not necessarily Junmai Daiginjo only,
John Puma: 27:38
sorry. my head, my mind immediately went there.
Timothy Sullivan: 27:40
it’s like not drinking just for drinking sake, trying to drink less, have fewer calories. But when I do enjoy a sake. Make it really purposeful and really focused and really learning something or studying something. What do you think of that?
John Puma: 28:01
I like it. that’s it, I think. And I, And I think that with the show, you’re going to have a pretty good time of that.
Timothy Sullivan: 28:09
Yes. Yeah, and I think we can learn something from every sake we drink, but I want to be more, I guess, the way to express it is just to be more thoughtful about what I choose to drink in the world of sake. Not just grab something without thinking about it and just drink it thoughtlessly, but really make a very conscious decision about what I want to drink, what the goal is, what I want to learn, what I want to study.
John Puma: 28:38
That’s pretty good, Tim.
Timothy Sullivan: 28:39
Puma. What about you? What do you want to achieve with your resolution for 2022?
John Puma: 28:46
My goal is documentation.
Timothy Sullivan: 28:49
I like that.
John Puma: 28:51
I, my goal is to photograph and write something about every single sake I drink in 2022. I think this is impossible, I want to put it to good use, jot down just a little something. If I can, about everything I, I taste and have a better understanding of it. It has something I can go back and reference. I’ve done that a little bit. I, I tried to get into it a little bit in 2020 and a little bit in 2021, but I never really focused on it. That’s the goal focusing on that.
Timothy Sullivan: 29:30
That’s great. I’ve tried to do that in the past.
John Puma: 29:35
It’s hard.
Timothy Sullivan: 29:36
It’s hard, especially when you’re out enjoying yourself. The last thing you want to do in the middle of like, having fun with your friends is whip out your little notebook and start taking notes. Everyone’s going to look at you like you have three heads, but, uh, it’s, it’s a really admirable resolution. And I firmly believe that when you write things down while you’re tasting, it stays in your memory much, much better.
John Puma: 30:01
Uh, all right. I think we’re gonna wrap it up for 2021,
Timothy Sullivan: 30:05
hard to believe. It feels like we just started 2021.
John Puma: 30:10
but at the same time, it feels like we’ve been in 2021 for a thousand years.
Timothy Sullivan: 30:16
Well, I hope that 2022 is going to make. See us visit Japan. We can hope right. We can keep the hope. Keep hope alive.
John Puma: 30:25
Yeah. maybe maybe just in time for the Hiyaoroshi
Timothy Sullivan: 30:28
Yes, I’ll take it. I’ll take that Hiyaoroshi.
John Puma: 30:31
I will take it.
Timothy Sullivan: 30:33
All right. Well, well, this was really fun. We discovered a few wonderful sakes on our way out of 2021. And I had a lot of fun tasting this with you, John. I want to thank our listeners so much for tuning in. We really do hope that you enjoyed all of our shows for 2021, and we hope you will come back for next year. Now, if you would like to show your support for Sake Revolution, one of the best ways to help us out would be to join our community on Patreon. We are a listener supported show and all of the funds that we raise on Patreon go to the costs of producing, hosting, and editing our show.
John Puma: 31:19
And to become a backer, you just go over to patreon.com/SakeRevolution. The link is right there and boom, you are instantly supporting us, but wait, you’re already supporting us just by listening and we really do appreciate it, everybody out there who we listened to every week. Also another way that you can help us out. Is to write reviews over on your podcast platforms of choice. And of course, tell a friend, you had a friend. They want interest a sake interest into our show while you’re doing it..
Timothy Sullivan: 31:50
And as always to learn more about any of the topics or any of the sakes we talked about in today’s episode. Be sure to visit our website, SakeRevolution.com. And there you can check out all of our detailed shownotes.
John Puma: 32:05
And for all of your sake question needs, I don’t know a nice little place just to give us feedback. We’ve got an email address for you. It’s feedback… Good name, right? Feedback@sakerevolution.com. So until next time, please remember to keep drinking, sake a raise your glass, give it a swirl and kanpai pie.
Timothy Sullivan: 32:31
Happy new year,
John Puma: 32:34
Happy new year, Tim.