Episode 78 Show Notes
Episode 78. Movies about sake are few and far between, so you can bet that “The Birth of Sake” caught our attention when it was released as a feature length documentary in 2015. It profiles a brewing season at Yoshida Shuzoten, the makers of Tedorigawa brand sake out of Ishikawa Prefecture. The story centers on Yasuyuki Yoshida, the 7th generation heir to the brewery and chronicles his path to learning the skills not only to take over as brewery president, but also be come the new master brewer when their toji moves toward retirement. It’s a beautifully shot film that truly takes you inside the brewery. Just as beautiful is the Tedorigawa sake that is well known as an outstanding example of premium sake with an emphasis on the flavorful yamahai brewing style. There is a lot to explore as we learn about The evolution of this great Ishikawa brewery.
Skip to: 00:19 Hosts Welcome and Introduction
Welcome to the show from John and Timothy
Skip to: 03:39 About Yoshida Shuzoten and “Tedorigawa”

About Tedorigawa from World Sake Imports:
“In recent years popular taste in Japan has moved away from the “light and dry” style towards more full-flavored sakes. At the center of this movement have been the brewers of the Hokuriku region, where a cold-weather brewing climate and the local Noto Toji brewing style combine to produce bold, assertive sakes.
Within this tradition, Tedorigawa sakes stand apart for their elegance and finesse. The brewery uses Kanazawa Yeast, which has a mild aroma profile with low acidity, often in conjunction with the yamahai brewing method, to produce sakes that have richness and complexity, yet are perfectly smooth and balanced.
Tedorigawa’s sakes are big on flavor, but never heavy or dense. With the exception of its “Silver Mountain” junmai, which is best savored at room temperature, they are best served crisply cold. Clean, great-tasting and easy to drink, it’s no wonder that Tedorigawa is so popular with sake enthusiasts everywhere.”
Yoshida Shuzoten 150 Year Anniversary video:
Birth of Sake Trailer:
Find Yoshida Shuzoten/Tedorigawa on Social Media
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yoshida_sake_brewery/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tedorigawa_1870
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tedorigawa1870English/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6OJ6-aVF2BzbNo0D-8uw7A
Website: https://tedorigawa.com/en
UrbanSake: https://www.urbansake.com/sake-guide/yoshida-shuzoten/
Skip to: 12:36 Sake Introduction and Tasting: Tedorigawa Yamahai Daiginjo “Chrysanthemum Meadow”
Tedorigawa Yamahai Daiginjo
Seimaibuai: 45%
SMV: +5.0
Rice Type: Gohyakumangoku, Yamadanishiki
Prefecture: Ishikawa
Alcohol: 15.5%
Classification: Daiginjo, Yamahai
Acidity: 1.2
Brewery: Yoshida Shuzoten
Brand: Tedorigawa (手取川)
Importer: World Sake Imports
Sake Name in English: “Chrysanthemum Meadow”
View on UrbanSake.com: Tedorigawa Yamahai Daiginjo
NOTE: Use Discount Code “REVOLUTION” for 10% off your first order with Tippsy Sake.
Skip to: 29:21 Show Closing
This is it! Join us next time for another episode of Sake Revolution!
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Episode 78 Transcript
John Puma: 0:22
Hello everybody. And welcome to Sake Revolution. This is America’s first sake podcast. And I’m your host, John Puma from the Sake Notes. Also the administrator over at the internet sake Discord. Please do come by occasionally and have a drink with us and around these parts, I’m the local sake otaku.
Timothy Sullivan: 0:46
Yes. And I am your host Timothy Sullivan. I’m a Sake Samurai, sake educator, as well as the founder of the Urban Sake website. And every week, John and I will be here tasting and also chatting about all things sake, doing our best to make it fun and easy to understand.
John Puma: 1:05
Um, I do enjoy making things fun and easy to understand.
Timothy Sullivan: 1:09
Well, let me ask you this, John, have you ever seen any sake documentaries?
John Puma: 1:17
I have potentially kick-started a sake documentary.
Timothy Sullivan: 1:23
Which one was that?
John Puma: 1:24
The Birth of Sake.
Timothy Sullivan: 1:25
The Birth of Sake. Now I think without a doubt, we can say that that is probably the most well-known sake documentary.
John Puma: 1:36
Yes, I’m going to say that is definitely the most well-known sake documentary
Timothy Sullivan: 1:40
Yes. I was also a Kickstarter supporter. And when I’m out in the field and I’m teaching classes or talking to consumers about sake almost. Like clockwork, you can guarantee, someone’s going to say, I saw this show on Netflix about, and before they finished their sentence, I’m like, oh, the birth of sake. And they’re like, yes, that’s it. So it is an amazing documentary. And before we go any further, we have to say, if you haven’t seen the Birth of Sake,
John Puma: 2:13
full stop. Put this on pause.
Timothy Sullivan: 2:17
Put this on pause. Pause. Your podcast.
John Puma: 2:21
go watch the documentary and then come back.
Timothy Sullivan: 2:22
Run. Don’t walk.
John Puma: 2:26
It’s really an insight in, and a lot of visibility into the sake brewing process. At the time, especially was really not available to anyone. Like it was like really unveiling, like so much that’s behind the scenes that, that regular people don’t see. Was that your impression?
Timothy Sullivan: 2:46
Yeah, I think so. should we give a little summary of what the documentary was all about?
John Puma: 2:51
I mean, sure. Why not?
Timothy Sullivan: 2:53
Yeah, so I know it was filmed from 2012 to 2014. At a sake brewery in Ishikawa the director, his name was Eric Shirai, Japanese American guy. And it was the first feature length documentary that he was the director of. So kind of a freshman effort for feature length documentary. And it basically chronicled the brewing season. at a small family run old school sake brewery. So really a disappearing art and disappearing way of crafting sake was documented in this movie. It was really beautifully shot as well. why are we talking about the birth of sake today?
John Puma: 3:39
We’re moving our eye to the brand. Talked about in that exact documentary. It was inevitable. You knew it was going to happen. Eventually when we started doing brands, we’re going to be doing Tedorigawa today
Timothy Sullivan: 3:54
yes. So they are the subject brewery of this really, really well-known documentary, the Birth of Sake. And we couldn’t mention one without the other. So we are focusing on a fantastic brand from Ishikawa Tedorigawa, as you said,
John Puma: 4:15
and we’ve taken some, some journeys to Ishikawa on the show, but.
Timothy Sullivan: 4:20
Yes, we,
John Puma: 4:21
Yes. We visited with a Hannah Kirshner once she was literally physically in, Ishikawa and I believe we’ve had some other run-ins.
Timothy Sullivan: 4:34
Yeah, I told early on, I told some stories about going to rural Ishikawa and getting dropped off in the middle of nowhere. And Yes. And, uh, if you look at a map of Japan, Ishikawa is really easy to locate because if you look on the west side of the island, there’s this peninsula that juts out into the sea of Japan. And that is basically where Ishikawa is located. And. The brand name is Tedorigawa. And this is named after a river Te means hand you might’ve learned that in Japanese class, hand, dori in this context means to hold and gawa means river. So it literally translates to like hand holding river and you’re like, well, what does that mean? Well, the. Owner. And toji of the brewery explained that before they had a bridge to cross the river, people would hold hands and make this like human chain to get across the river. So it’s all about working together and community. And it’s a really interesting name for the river and for the brand.
John Puma: 5:49
Nice. I see. Like you see like Gawa, which as you pointed out means Rivery you see that a lot of sake brands and breweries, uh, and, and tedori comes up occasionally, but this is to my knowledge, the only one that actually combines them. And that story that you told us, like really interesting, oh, it’s about getting across this place together and that’s.
Timothy Sullivan: 6:08
John Puma: 6:09
That’s important. sake brewing is a team sport.
Timothy Sullivan: 6:13
Yeah, absolutely. And let’s give a few more details about this brewery. So the brewery name is Yoshida Shuzoten so the Yoshida family is the owners of the brewery and the brewery is named after them. And this one dates back to 1870. So they just had their 150th anniversary. So that’s pretty impressive in my book.
John Puma: 6:41
Well, so usually when we do, breweries and we compare them to like American history, it’s like, oh, the United States. Just about being a thing at this point or something like that. But in this case, we’re kind of alone wall, more like flirting with civil war
Timothy Sullivan: 6:58
I think it’s still impressive. 150 years.
John Puma: 7:01
150 years. That’s crazy.
Timothy Sullivan: 7:04
really amazing. So the current president is Yasuyuki Yoshida and he’s in his mid thirties now. And he’s the seventh generation president of the brewery. And not only is he the president, but he’s also the Toji or the master brewer. it’s really interesting because one of the premises of the. Birth of sake documentary was Yasu training to become the Toji and the previous Toji he was 65 or so ready to retire. And he wanted to pass on his knowledge as a master brewer to the S to the next generation. So yasu. became the next president, but he also took on the role of being the master brewer. So you see that in the documentary that he’s learning from the master learning from his elder and, what they have now is kind of the end result of what happened in the documentary. So it’s really cool to see
John Puma: 8:21
right. That is unusual. I want to say, in the sake world where you take on both roles. I mean, we’ve, we’ve had maybe an unusual number of, uh, situations where brothers have taken over the brewery and split those duties. One being Kuramoto one being the toji. Uh, and in this case you have one person that’s really taking on the full load. And do you, do, do you find, uh, you know, apart from this example here that this is something that does occur a little bit more commonly than we are seeing, or is this really unusual?
Timothy Sullivan: 8:58
well, it’s happening more and more. And one of the reasons for that is that. Fewer tojis that are out there. They’re getting older and older and retiring, so as there’s fewer young people getting in the trade and becoming brewers, there’s not as many tojis to go around. So more and more kuramoto or the brewery presidents are also taking on the role of kind of production manager and managing the brewery as well. So, It is not common. It’s not the usual way of things, but you are seeing it more and more. And what we have here at Yoshida Shuzoten is a classic example of the younger generation stepping up and taking on these responsibilities and, again, breathing in new life to their brand and their brewery. And it’s really exciting. other thing about this region, we said it was an issue Kawa and the place where I visited before was the Noto peninsula. That’s where I got dropped off in the middle of nowhere.
John Puma: 10:00
Yes. That’s uh, the famous sake revolution tale of your being dropped off in the middle of nowhere.
Timothy Sullivan: 10:07
And this area of Ishikawa is called Hakusan and Hakusan, and it literally translates to white mountain. It’s the highest mountain in this region and the water source for their Tedorigawa sake comes from Hakusan mountain, but it is. Filtered for many, many, many years. So they use underground water and it has a different profile. It is more mineral rich, and it’s harder water that they use it at this brewery. And we’re going to talk about that more when we taste their sake, what impact that. Yeah.
John Puma: 10:48
Nice. So Tim, I’m going to ask you a really depressing question that I asked you every time we do one of these episodes and I’m, and I want you to take a moment and admire how long it took me to get to. But have you, have you visited this brewery?
Timothy Sullivan: 11:06
Yes. I have visited this brewery? three times. Yes.
John Puma: 11:12
Just rubbing in now
Timothy Sullivan: 11:15
well, I visited. Ishikawa several times on some of my brewery trips and they are very centrally located and, um, very welcoming. And so I had, I had the good fortune to visit a few times and, uh, they are just such a lovely family. And Yasu who is the, the current president he has such a passion for bringing this new energy to his brewery. They want to support the local rice farmers in Ishikawa, they have dedicated themselves to purchase 75% of all the rice. They use to come from Ishikawa to support the rice farmers in their Prefecture. And that’s a program they started a few years ago to increase the amount of rice That they buy locally to support those farmers. And I thought that was awesome.
John Puma: 12:12
That is great. And I think generally speaking, we’re pretty big fans of when breweries make use of a local rice and the, the materials that go into making sake. That’s really great. I am excited to, taste some sake from, tedorigawa and, uh, as, as is customary and tradition, and the way we do things on this show, we all will be tasting a sake from tedorigawa. We both have the same sake tonight, which I think is a lot of fun. we like to focus on having the same stuff so we can really compare notes in a real way. And it is the, Tedorigawa yamahai Daiginjo and in the us, we call this the chrysanthemum meadow. I really liked this name, but even more. It’s so unusual to have a Yamahai daiginjo
Timothy Sullivan: 13:11
Yes. Very unusual.
John Puma: 13:14
yeah. And like, Daiginjo not Junmai daiginjo. And this is the alcohol added method Aruten.
Timothy Sullivan: 13:24
So the Daiginjo part of this Yamahai Daiginjo Daiginjo is a super premium grade. That means the rice is polished down to 50% remaining or less. And normally Daiginjo, those are fruity, super rich. Extremely aromatic. And this one is a Yamahai style Daiginjo, which is really unusual. So Yamahai is our fermentation starter that allows for lactic acid to build up naturally. And Tedorigawa is a huge proponent of Yamahai.
John Puma: 14:03
there are one of the big players in that field.
Timothy Sullivan: 14:05
They are, they are just super big fans of Yamahai at this brewery. So we are going to be the beneficiaries of this marriage between the full flavors of Yamahai and the elegance of Daiginjo. So that’s what we are setting ourselves up for. And I, I am, I’ve had the sake before, but not in a long time. So I am really excited to revisit these flavors and explore this marriage between these two. Usually very different styles of brewing.
John Puma: 14:37
Yeah. So it’s been a while for me as well. I’m going to go into the specifics on it for a moment. So in this case, the rice variety is more than one. They’re using a Yamadanishiki and Gohyakumangoku to make this. And I assume, uh, though I don’t have the exact information in front of me that the, Yamahai Shiki is probably being used for the, Koji, my, for the, for the Koji portion of it. And then most likely being used for the starch component.
Timothy Sullivan: 15:10
Yep. And the Gohyakumangoku. I’m pretty sure. Given that 75% commitment they have is probably grown in Ishikawa for sure.
John Puma: 15:20
Yeah. Um, the polishing rate on these oh, is 45%. So this is sternly in Daiginjo territory. Um, the sake meter value that that measure of your, your dry to your sweet is plus five. So this is definitely going to be linked. Bit on the dry side and the alcohol percentage, 15 to 16, and the acidity at 1.2. So low acid, high Polish, and a little bit on the dry side.
Timothy Sullivan: 15:55
John Puma: 15:56
And again, I Yamahai tends to be a little bit more earthy and a Daiginjo tends to be a little bit more, uh, elegant. So this is gonna be a really interesting sake to taste.
Timothy Sullivan: 16:09
Yeah. Well, with that out of the way, let’s get it open and into the glass.
John Puma: 16:18
So before I even talk about the complexion of this sake, when I opened up the bottle and started pouring that aroma,
Timothy Sullivan: 16:31
John Puma: 16:32
I know it’s a little out of order, but Tim, let’s talk about this aroma.
Timothy Sullivan: 16:35
yes. Well, what, what hits you first.
John Puma: 16:42
What hit me first is that is there was a, uh, like a, a really refreshing note that came out that almost made me double check and be like, wait a minute. Is this a Nama? Obviously it’s not, but it had this really, really refreshing, It’s outdoors and spring kind of aroma to it
Timothy Sullivan: 17:07
Irish spring.
John Puma: 17:08
at no, no outdoor morning outdoors in spring. Hmm.
Timothy Sullivan: 17:17
For me, I totally pick up on what you’re saying, but I also get a note of something a little bit. Honeyed like a little think of honey and that kind of sweet. Uh, there’s there’s a sweet characteristic to the aroma, a little bit of a honey aroma as well.
John Puma: 17:38
Um, that there is, there is a sweetness and, uh, I don’t know if you just put the thought of honey in my mind, but it’s there
Timothy Sullivan: 17:46
I think I did. I think I did.
John Puma: 17:49
Um, and I, and I think that that’s a thing. We we’ve talked about this before on the show that when you’re discussing flavors and aromas of people, That’s sometimes having that conversation and like helping figure out like how to put the words into what you’re S what you’re smelling or tasting is, is, is really good. It helps you kind of like, develop your vocabulary and like, understand better, like what you’re experiencing. And so, yeah, I get that a little bit that honey, this,
Timothy Sullivan: 18:17
John Puma: 18:18
But now let’s talk about the complexion. So this is. Uh, pretty clear. I want to say it’s very, very, very slightly yellowed. Would you agree?
Timothy Sullivan: 18:28
Yup, absolutely. Yup. Has just, just a hint of a golden cast to it. Just, just, just a whisper of that. But it’s perfectly. Transparent. And, it seems to have a nice viscosity. I’m seeing some legs on the side of my glass
John Puma: 18:45
well, I don’t know if he ever mentioned that on the show before the leg is on the side of the.
Timothy Sullivan: 18:48
Yeah. so well, that’s, you know, I think most people know that from the wine world as well, when you swirl wine in a glass, and then you have the drips coming down, the side, those are called the legs. And, uh, if they are wider and move a little more slowly, you can infer that that is more viscosity or more thickness to the sake or the wine. And if they move very fast and if they’re very thin or waterlike, then that is a lower viscosity, less thick.
John Puma: 19:16
Yeah, this is definitely, uh, sticking to the side of this glass. As
Timothy Sullivan: 19:20
Yup. Yeah. You can see those legs are those tears coming down very, very distinctly forming. All right. Let’s give it a taste.
John Puma: 19:34
Timothy Sullivan: 19:35
Okay. We have to say right now, this is not your average daiginjo.
John Puma: 19:42
No, it’s also not your average yamahai.
Timothy Sullivan: 19:46
Right, You got your chocolate in my peanutbutter!
John Puma: 19:50
Yeah. know, that is a really great way to put that.
Timothy Sullivan: 19:59
If, you look at the stats for this, 45% rice milling SMV, plus five Yamada Nishiki and gohyakumangoku rices, low acidity. You could just assume if you didn’t know it, wasn’t about the Yamahai part of it. You could just assume, oh, this is going to be a real luscious fruity. Daiginjo like very aromatic. And this is not that this, I don’t know if you’d agree with me, John, but this almost has an herbal note to it, not grassy, but yeah, a little bit for me, a little bit of a honey note, a little bit of an herbal note of very smooth, very silky on the palate, the texture, the Daiginjo texture. Is there 110%?
John Puma: 20:44
Yeah, it’s interesting because doing the flavors that you often get from Yamahai, although not as, not as intensely, not as funky, uh, as your funkier yamahais. It’s doing it with the, the texture of your Daiginjo and like that, that smoothness that you expect, it’s such an interesting, uh, combination. And as you alluded to earlier, when you mentioned the chocolate in my peanut butter joke, uh, to a lot of people out there who, um, it may not be as old as 10. Um, Reese’s, peanut butter cups used to do this commercials where they would make jokes about like accidentally combining peanut butter and chocolate and finding out that they’re amazing together. And that’s kind of what we’re seeing here is that this is like these two styles of sake that you would think intrinsically would be polar opposites are really, really, going together here.
Timothy Sullivan: 21:41
Yes. Yes. I’m just glad you’re old enough to get my joke, John.
John Puma: 21:45
Oh, well, you know, I’m not going to spring chicken myself.
Timothy Sullivan: 21:50
Yeah, but I completely agree with you. It’s such an interesting marriage and I think it shows this really speaks to this brewery. Tedorigawa, this brand’s dedication to Yamahai that they would even do this,
John Puma: 22:04
These two do go really well together. And it may not completely pleased the diehard Yamahai fan who’s expecting that really big earthy mushroomy flavor from his Yamahai, but it also makes. Immediately, please, the person, I think you alluded this earlier. Who’s looking for fruit and looking for that, that, that really fruity silky, you know, Daiginjo journey. It’s doing a little bit of both and it’s making a new thing. It’s making something completely different from either
Timothy Sullivan: 22:36
Yeah. Yeah. And I think it also makes it very food friendly as well. Like Yamahai is known as being very food friendly. Daiginjo not as much because it tends to be so aromatic and fruity usually. And, but this. Brings I find the great aspects of both of those styles of sake together, and really opens up food, pairing possibilities to it lends a touch of earthiness to Daiginjo that you don’t usually see. That’s kind of what I would say is shorthand, right?
John Puma: 23:10
Right. I’d say it opens up Yamahai for Daiginjo drinkers, who, you know, people who really want that elegant style. And maybe you don’t know about Yamahai or maybe never had it before and then have this it’s like really nice bridge into it. Um, to be completely honest, when I first had this sake, I really wasn’t that familiar with Yamahai and it really opened my eyes to that concept and like, oh, wait a minute. There’s this other style out there. And while it’s not my favorite style of sake, I appreciate it. And I’m glad it’s there. And this kind of let me know to look for it and like try other stuff and, and, and really learn to appreciate Yamahai.
Timothy Sullivan: 23:52
Yeah. this is a really interesting sake to taste, especially if you’re starting to learn about different classifications in grades And styles of sake, having some of the.
John Puma: 24:04
Genre benders.
Timothy Sullivan: 24:05
Genre Benders, yes,having some of these styles is a great way to educate your palate too. And when you know what Yamahai means, and you know what Daiginjo means, and you taste the sake consciously and you really pay attention while you’re tasting it, you can get a lot of insight into what each style brings to the party and how that influences the flavor. So it’s a great learning opportunity.
John Puma: 24:32
Again, I’m super glad they did this because it is, it’s a great sake, like it is this is an amazing, interesting sake to taste. It’s a, it is a Daiginjo that you can have and pair with amazing foods. Like there’s so much going on here and it’s not something that you get unless they went and took the.
Timothy Sullivan: 24:58
Yeah. this is a sake that is definitely unique, right? It’s not a flavor you’d get usually. So it’s stepping outside of. Standard profile for the sakes and it’s, it’s really unique, but it’s very, very delicious that it’s got a richness to it that I really, really like,
John Puma: 25:21
Timothy Sullivan: 25:21
Just a nice rich honeyed a little bit of herbaceous-ness and, um, some weight, but again, they come in with that Daiginjo texture like that silky smooth texture. It just, So enjoyable to drink really good.
John Puma: 25:39
Timothy Sullivan: 25:41
So we’ve tasted this wonderful one thing that brings me back to the documentary, the birth of sake, what they do at Yoshida Shuzoten, what they do at this brewery is they have an older school style of brewing, not just Yamahai, but they also have the brewers live at the brewery. Now most breweries don’t do this anymore. But as you saw in the documentary, the team of six or seven brewers, they are there from October through the spring time they live together, they get up at four 30 in the morning. These guys are carrying the whole burden of sake production on their shoulders. And they work as a team under the leadership of the Toji. And what I think is so interesting is that they have this super. Classic traditional really old fashioned style of work at their brewery. But this sake they’ve made is so cutting edge In a way it’s like so out there unique, different, delicious, but not you’d think brewing in that style, but they’re making something really modern and. Delicious and unique.
John Puma: 27:05
Yeah, I think that that often results in a good product when you take the, the, the old and the classic, and then you, you put your own spin on it and you modernize it. you’re not disregarding of the classic you’re bringing it up to date and you’re, you’re doing something new and interesting with it. And I think that that more often than not really working. do agree.
Timothy Sullivan: 27:26
Yeah. And it’s about respecting tradition, but not being bound by it. Right? Like,
John Puma: 27:31
That is a great way to put it.
Timothy Sullivan: 27:33
So, yeah. So Yasu Yoshida the new young president and Toji, I think he’s coming up with ways to fold in new traditions, new ways of doing things, but really respecting the past. And they just had a big celebration of 150 years. Last year and I’m taking a look back, they have a video on their website, which I’ll put in our show notes that kind of walks you through all the different presidents of the brewery and shows you some pictures from their archives. So they obviously have a great respect for their past and their history. And what they’re doing now is also really exciting. So if you haven’t seen it, definitely go out and watch the birth of sake. You can see Yasu Yoshida this new kuramoto when he was in training to become the toji, which he is now, you can see all the struggles he went through and all the hard work that goes into making these sakes it’s really, really fantastic. And I also want to mention briefly that the birth of sake documentary. won. An award at the 2015 Tribeca film festival at one, the best documentary director and they got a special jury mention for that. And in 2017 they won the James Beard foundation, broadcast media documentary award. So it’s been well received and it’s a few years old now, but I think you can see. Get it on apple TV and a few other places. So please Google it and, definitely check it out if you can.
John Puma: 29:08
I love their sake documentaries out there. Don’t you?
Timothy Sullivan: 29:12
I’m happy there are, we need more?
John Puma: 29:14
I, I agree with you a hundred percent.
Timothy Sullivan: 29:17
John Puma: 29:17
Maybe we’ll do one, one day.
Timothy Sullivan: 29:21
All right. Well, I want to thank all of our listeners so much for tuning in. We really do hope that you’re enjoying Sake Revolution. If you would like to show your support for this podcast. Consider backing us on Patreon. We’re a listener supported show and all the monies that are donated, go to help us in the production of this show, editing website, hosting all the different costs that you have for creating a podcast. Those Patreon donations really help us make this happen.
John Puma: 29:55
That’s right. Uh, this is a labor of love, and, we do appreciate everybody who listens to our show you guys are helping us getting, uh, reviews up on your podcast platform of choice. All that really helps too is sending good vibes our way we liked that. And really we noticed we do. We really do notice that and, we really do appreciate it.
Timothy Sullivan: 30:18
And if you would like to learn more about any of the topics breweries or sakes that we profiled in today’s episode. Be sure to visit our website, SakeRevolution.com. And there you can check out all the detailed show notes.
John Puma: 30:32
And if you have sake questions I think we know some people you could send them to. That address is [email protected]. So until next time, please raise a glass. Remember to keep drinking Sake. And
Timothy Sullivan: 30:51